Use On-conflict to Upsert in PostgreSQL

9th February 2023
Jon Meyers profile pic
Jon Meyers @jonmeyers_io

The upsert action is a combination of insert and update . It allows us to write idempotent statements — can be executed multiple times without breaking everything! — and improve the convenience and resilience of our code.

Thankfully, PostgreSQL makes it super easy to turn any insert statement into an upsert , using the on conflict condition.

Let ‘s create a new table for users:

create table if not exists users (
  id uuid default uuid_generate_v4() primary key,
  username text unique,
  email text unique

One important thing to note here, is that both username and email are unique . Your insert statement needs to include something that is unique, otherwise, Postgres will just keep creating new rows — not idempotent!

So if we try to insert a new user:

insert into users(username, email)
values('jon', '');

No problem!

But try to insert that user again, and we have a BIG problem!

insert into users(username, email)
values('jon', '');

“Failed to run sql query: duplicate key value violates unique constraint “users_username_key”


But, let ‘s say we wanted our users to be able to update their email , but not their username . We can tell Postgres “Yo, we got this” by saying if there is a conflict on username , just update the email field:

insert into users(username, email)
values('jon', '')
on conflict(username)
do update set email =;

Now, rather than creating a new record (insert), we have updated the existing one! 🎉

And if we run that same statement with a new username , but an email that exists we get our error! As expected! 👮‍♀️

insert into users(username, email)
values('tyler', '')
on conflict(username)
do update set email =;

However, if we run it with a username and email that does not yet exist:

insert into users(username, email)
values('tyler', '')
on conflict(username)
do update set email =;

It will just insert a new row, as per usual! 🧠

Additionally, if you ‘re using Supabase, you don ‘t even need to worry about it! supabase-js supports upsert statements directly!

const { data } = await supabase
    { username: "thor", email: "" },
    { onConflict: "username" }

If you enjoyed this article, let me know about it on Twitter! 🐦