Automatically generate values for created and updated columns in Postgres

17th January 2024
Jon Meyers profile pic
Jon Meyers @jonmeyers_io

This tweet from @iameoghan prompted me to think through some possible solutions for automatically generating values for created_at , created_by , updated_at and updated_by columns in a database table.

Let’s create a basic posts table to use as an example:

create table posts (
  id serial primary key,
  title text,
  created_at timestamp with time zone,
  created_by uuid references auth.users(id),
  updated_at timestamp with time zone,
  updated_by uuid references auth.users(id)

created_by and updated_by reference the auth.users table. This is a table managed by Supabase that stores information about users and their sessions.

Updated columns

Let’s tackle the updated columns first, as we only really have one option: a trigger function to set the values when the row is updated. Let’s create a function to handle this:

create or replace function set_updated_columns()
returns trigger as $$
  new.updated_at = now();
  new.updated_by = auth.uid();
  return new;
$$ language plpgsql;

The now() function returns a timestamp, so this can be used to determine when the post was updated. auth.uid() is a special Supabase function that returns the ID of the currently signed in user.

We then want to run this function before each row is updated in the posts table:

create trigger on_update_set_updated_columns
before update on posts
for each row execute procedure set_updated_columns();

Perfect! Now, any time a user updates a post, the updated_at and updated_by columns will be automatically set.

An added security benefit here is that the user can not overwrite these values - setting updated_at to a different time, or saying updated_by was a different user:

update posts
  updated_at = '2021-01-01',
  updated_by = '123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426614174000'
where id = 1;

After the update completes, the values for these columns with still come from the now() and auth.uid() functions.

Created columns

For the created columns we have two options:

  1. Use a trigger function to set the value - similar to the updated columns
  2. Use a default value for the column

Setting a default value is definitely the simpler option, and we already understand triggers, so let’s alter our table to set some default values:

alter table posts
  alter column created_at
  set default now(),
  alter column created_by
  set default auth.uid();

Since this default value is just a default, it can still be overwritten by the user, as discussed above.

Again, we could use a trigger function, or we could backup this default value with an Row Level Security (RLS) policy to ensure the user is not tinkering with things that should not be tinkered with!

Let’s turn on RLS for our posts table:

alter table posts enable row level security;

And then specifiy a policy that only allows the user to insert posts where the created_by column matches their user ID:

create policy user_can_create_their_own_post
on posts
for insert to public
with check (created_by = auth.uid());

To be even more cautious, we could make sure that the updated_by column is set to null , as the trigger function we declared earlier only runs on update, not insert. When a new row is inserted it has not yet been updated, therefore, the value should be null :

create policy user_can_create_their_own_post
on posts
for insert to public
with check (created_by = auth.uid() and updated_by is null);

And that’s it!

  1. When a user inserts a new post, the created_at and created_by columns will be automatically populated
  2. When a user updates a post, the updated_at and updated_by columns will be automatically populated
  3. The user will not be able to overwrite any of these values.

If you want me to cover any other topics related to Supabase, Postgres or SQL, give me a follow on Twitter and ping me in a tweet!